Live veiling - Lot 909


[Belgium - Flanders]


Nova et acurata comitatus Flandriae tabula in lucem.

Antwerp, P. Verbiest II, [c. 1654]

€ 1.000 / 1.500

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Beschrijving lot

Engr., 46 x 57 cm (traces of central fold).

Hinged at upper edge. Under passe-partout.

Important, very detailed map of Flanders of the upmost rarity with the North Sea at the top, covering a large region stretching from Goeree to Arleux and Leuven and thus including a part of Zeeland, Brabant and Hainaut, depicting the Scheldt in detail. Verso blank.
Ref. Van Ortroy, F. - Les Verbist enlumineurs et cartographes anversois, in "Le Compas d'Or", 7, 1929, p. 27, n. 39. - Hollstein XXXV.186.3. - Bracke, Vlaanderen in 100 kaarten, 47.

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Lot 909


Nova et acurata comitatus Flandriae tabula in lucem.


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